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How to start a printing business?
Is it possible for me to start a printing business on a small budget?
How to start a printing company?
What equipment do I need to start a printing business?
How much does it cost to start a printing business?
You clearly are interested in starting a printing business of your own, this is exciting because the world of printing and design is buzzing at the moment, there is so much innovation and progression.
As a printing business, innovation is very important to us as well, we want to keep our ideas and products as up to date for our customers as we can so we can help them have the upper hand on the competition.
So here we have provided 8 simple steps to starting a printing business:
Step 1:
Find a niche in the market; the print & design market is buzzing and most of the successful printing entrepreneurs have a chosen something to specialize in. There is many to chose from like digital printing, t-shirt printing, screen printing etc. So it is key to have a specific market of printing that you can pursue clear in your mind. For example, you could find out what your local area is in need of printing wise and that way you know your target audience as well.
Step 2:
Get to know your market and its standards. Now you have chosen your specialized area, you need to understand the standards expected of your print quality and whether you can meet them. It is also a good idea to get to know some of the lingo, every industry has it and the print industry is not an exception.
Step 3:
Get a business plan. Now you know your market, you need start thinking about costs to get you business going. You will need to think about the equipment, supplies and location costs, all of these things need to be calculated to determine whether your business can be profitable. A business plan should also involve your goals, aims and objectives to keep the future of the business in mind too.
Step 4:
Get necessary approvals and documentation. Each business has to be licensed by the relevant statutory authority wherever they are operating. Even if you start a home-based printing business, you will likely still need some kind of permit or license from your particular national, state and local governments. Either way whether you are having a home-based business or an office-based business you need to research the necessary certifications, approvals and documentation you need and get that before going any further.
Step 5:
Get to know the competition. This should be easy, you should know your target audience and try to find other businesses that are trying to fulfill there needs, this can be as easy as visiting competitors websites. Once you have seen your competitors efforts you can identify things that you can do for your target market that they are not yet providing them, this way you can attract customers to your printing business instead.
Step 6:
Get the equipment you need. You’ll need to find the highest quality, yet still affordable, equipment for your niche. It is good to do some research into the machines you need and that would give you the best quality. Whether you’re leasing or buying the machines, you should know a little about what you want before you go looking. The bare minimum that would need is a desktop computer, some software and a high quality digital printer to get you started.
We offer a range of different packages that would literally be perfect for a start up printing business.
Step 7:
Get a location for your business. Look for a place that is within your budget and that is easily accessible so customers will be able to find you with ease. There should be nothing to deter customers from your printing business, so picking a good location is important. Likely you will have already discussed a location in your business plan, and decided whether renting a space or buying would be better for you, either is absolutely fine, it needs to fit your business. Contact a realtor to help you to find the perfect spot that is within your budget.
Step 8:
Get promoting! Now you’ve got your business plan and all the steps have been set in motion you need to get advertising! This is a great time to get excited and enthusiastic about the product you are selling. There are many ways to advertise, a lot of advertising is now through websites and social media, which is very important at this day and age. However, the older ways to advertise are still very effective as well such as, word of mouth, flyers and brochures. Although you can advertise in all of these different ways, remember you target audience and focus on advertising they would see and respond to. Remember a lot of advertising isn’t always effective, but quality, well thought out adverts will attract more printing business.
Right, you’re all set to go! Starting a printing business is a great idea that can prove to be very profitable and we hope we have helped you start that journey with the step to step guide.
We would like to help you further by making your decision on printing equipment a lot quicker, please take the time to look at our print packages, because we offer REAL digital print-on-demand systems with a choice of running options and a large base of users in the UK and Europe with over 500 sites covering the British Isles and Ireland. With our professional workflow and software tools it is easy for YOU to make money from short-run print jobs like full colour, double-sided business cards, greetings cards, funeral order of services, flyers etc… What’s more, NCR sets, banners and even signs! The possibilities are endless and it can be yours for a lot less than you think…
The perfect start for your new business.
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